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APREL has focused on automated near-field scanning solutions for over 16 years drawing from multiple disciplines that support EMC/EMI, SAR and HAC, all of which have led to the industry defining EM-ISight. By developing automated test solutions which are flexible and application driven, APREL has new markets previously not considered with systems sold to such diverse industries as aviation, automotive, consumer electronics, and integrated circuit design supporting various commercial applications.


APREL considers every system sale a partnership where we engage our users to define how they need to apply our technology to meet their needs and demands as technology evolves. Where other automated system providers fail, APREL excel the main focus of our system development is to reduce the legacy burden on a capital purchase.


Providing systems that can be upgraded to meet the challenging demands of technology is at the core of our values, we still have automated test solutions operating which were installed over 14 years ago- this is a milestone we are proud of. 

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